Ray Becoskie

I started painting in 1986.
I've been painting since then. I started showing my work in 2005.
I have always thought of painting as a by-product rather than as a product. It was always something that had to be done, then put away. Using it as fuel for the next. Never really intended for show.
That changed somewhat when I sold a painting. After that, I figured out if I sold a painting, I could buy more paint and canvas. yeah... I figured that out.
The work is generally constructed from three things. Things I know, things I believe, and things I make up. I get them all together in a room and I do my best to document the conversation that happens.
If you're still looking for more, there's a video out there, somewhere on youtube.
It's long. Good luck.
Kinda got scolded for not showing up for shows and not being to forthcoming with info.
In my defense, I think if you take on the role as a painter, the talking thing is low on the pole.
Then when you have to travel to talk, well... yeah.
Anyway, here's a link.
Long ass video link
Have fun.